
Airtable Formula: DatetimeDiff

The DATETIME_DIFF function calculates the difference between two points in time, returning the result in a unit of your choosing—be it days, hours, minutes, or seconds. This versatility makes it an essential tool for a wide range of applications within Airtable.

Master Time Calculations with DATETIME_DIFF in Airtable

When it comes to managing timelines within your projects, tracking the duration between events, or simply calculating the elapsed time for any activity, Airtable’s DATETIME_DIFF function is indispensable. This powerful formula allows you to precisely measure the difference between two dates or times, making it a crucial tool for project managers, event planners, and anyone who needs to keep tabs on time-sensitive tasks.

Join Cherry as she guides you through the fundamentals of leveraging DATETIME_DIFF in your Airtable bases. Whether you’re new to Airtable or looking to refine your formula skills, this walkthrough is designed to help you understand how to effectively use this function to track project deadlines, review dates, or any time-based metrics critical to your operations.



The DATETIME_DIFF function calculates the difference between two points in time, returning the result in a unit of your choosing—be it days, hours, minutes, or seconds. This versatility makes it an essential tool for a wide range of applications within Airtable.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of the DATETIME_DIFF function is:


DATETIME_DIFF(Date1, Date2, 'units')

Date1 and Date2 represent the two dates or times you want to compare. Date1 is typically the later date, while Date2 is the earlier one.

'units' specifies the unit of time for the output. You can choose from 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'weeks', 'months', or 'years'.

Example Use Cases

  1. Project Deadline Tracking: Calculate the remaining days before a project deadline to prioritize tasks and manage team workload effectively.

  2. Event Planning: Determine the number of weeks or months until an upcoming event to stay on top of planning milestones and deadlines.

  3. Time Tracking: Measure the duration of activities in hours or minutes, useful for billing, productivity analysis, or time-sensitive processes.

Getting Started with DATETIME_DIFF

To implement DATETIME_DIFF in your Airtable base, follow these simple steps:

  1. Identify Your Dates: Determine the two dates or times you wish to compare. These can be static dates entered directly into the formula or references to date fields in your table.

  2. Choose Your Unit: Decide on the unit of measurement that best fits your needs (e.g., days for project deadlines, hours for time tracking).

  3. Write Your Formula: Input the DATETIME_DIFF formula into a formula field, referencing your chosen dates and unit of measurement.

  4. Analyze Your Data: Use the results to inform your decision-making, whether it’s adjusting timelines, scheduling follow-ups, or evaluating project progress.

Tips for Success

  • Ensure your date fields are correctly formatted to avoid errors in your calculations.
  • Use DATETIME_DIFF in conjunction with other formulas or Airtable features to automate and streamline your workflows.
  • Explore creating conditional views or alerts based on DATETIME_DIFF results to keep your team informed and proactive.

By mastering DATETIME_DIFF, you’ll unlock a new level of precision and efficiency in your time management practices within Airtable. Follow Cherry’s insights and examples to get started, and discover how this function can transform the way you track and analyze time across your projects and processes.